Special Report: Chronicling the History of Eugenics 1880's- 2020 The World Economic Forums Plan Making Way For Culling-the-Herd Using Deadly Vaccines
Redirect-issue Regarding Google Domains Persists If you are trying to log onto lighthearted musing within my original companion blog [ from my 3 semester music radio show at SFSU simplertimeandplace.com ] s elect the Blogger B' in the upper L eft- hand corner of your screen. Then, select the upside-down triangle and a drop-down menu will soon appear. Click on the URL for Simpler Time and Place Sorry for the distraction, Drake The Image's authenticity has been in question and floating around the I-net for years While I have a link to an NBC Story of "Top-Globalists Secret Meeting" from 2009. . .The Above image is dated 2001 Hello Holiday Readers of CT&Reasoning, As your skilled citizen journalist highly trained in conducting Internet research, I have come across an extensive document that includes much of the info I have been aware-of or having had previously read many of the articles within and hyperlinks provided; surprisingly, this Author, Don Paul's We