
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Morning After: Presidential Debate Throws Dems into Chaos 3 Huge SCOTUS Rulings Dropped Trump Immunity Decision Due Monday

  [June 28, 2024 (9:00 AM PDT) The fallout from last night's debate is remarkable, critical thinkers, We are not going to spend a lot of time on what happened--everyone saw what unfolded; until this morning, what I did not see was the baby steps at the end with Dr. Jill helping him navigate the 3 or 4 steps which seemed like forever in order to shake the hands of the CNN moderators. Moreover, some are wondering how the campaign then went full on  Weekend at Bernie's flying off to two campaign stops keeping Biden out in public until 1:30 AM Today. Apparently, the last stop in Raleigh, NC has Jill doing most of the talking and praising his performance reminiscent of a mother of a seven-year-old praising his finishing second in a 50-meter swimming contest.  Epic Fail: Historic Political Sea Change Incredibly Bad Optics: Note Rose Colored Glasses & Another Biden Poop Pose That is the picture with the headline "Cruel Jill Clings to Power" leading Drudge Report at this ...


  (20:00 PDT) It Did Not Go Well CBS: Biden Struggles Early in Presidential Debate Hoarse Voice Looking Dazed & Confused Washington  — In the first moments of  Thursday's debate , President Biden stumbled as he flubbed some early lines as his voice appeared ready to give out, while sources said he was suffering from a cold.   Mr. Biden's voice never recovered throughout the 90-minute debate against former President Donald Trump — deflating chances of convincing Americans through his debate performance that at age 81 he is healthy enough to serve another four-year term in the White House. A   CBS News poll earlier this month   found that only a third of voters think Mr. Biden has the cognitive ability to be president, compared to half of voters who think Trump does. Good Lord, look at one of the biggest gaffes which will show-up in many Trump ads: Ovation  Eddie 2: Trump Does Not Understand What Joe Said DMD   


  [June 27, 2024 (17:30)] Greetings, critical thinkers,  We are less than a half-hour away from the first of two presidential debates for 2024. Currently, I am streaming multiple shows, monitoring HDTV, and putting this together for you in the Critical Thinking & Reasoning Newsroom. Okay, I am no longer referred to as a conspiracy theorist because most of all conspiracies have been proven as true! In the tradition of this, our first live link is to which [historically during debates] will run hilarious commentary. Speaking of all of the conspiratorial rantings regarding the agreed upon 2:00m delay and mic muting, one thing I think observes attention is altering audio processing. Shout-out to journalist, Owen Sawyer, they could not only mute or produce a lower db level, but alter 45's voice making him sound less commanding, for example. Go take a look/listen to the audio on several tightly edited job demos [airchecks] now digitized on my ...


  [June 27, 2024 (12:35 AM PDT)] The local MSM seems clueless, critical thinkers, "What is this. . . another fire?" The drought is over, we just had a very wet winter, and are just coming into late June with rather moderate temperatures. KRON 4: Brentwood Grass Fire Grows Over 200+ Acres KRON: San Jose Fire Hits 30 Acres CALFIRE: 2,600 WILDFIRES 106,453 ACRES BURNED: WHO IS STARTING THESE FIRE Gotta go, DMD (17:15 PDT) Howdy there critical thinkers, Just setting-up my newsfeeds for the debate when I thought I would follow-up on the fire-ferries as we called a couple of juveniles punk arsonists which lit fields on fire at Arden Bar--a then 840 Gravel Pit/natural area now known a regional park in Carmichael, CA. I Knew There Would NOT Be a Picture Description or Mention of Immigration Status! San Jose Arson Suspect Linked to Nine Fires KTVU 2: The suspect has no mug shot posted either The unnamed suspect, a man in his 20s, was taken into custody and charged on Tuesday after li...

High Court Just That: Overturns Missouri Fifth Court of Appeals Big Tech Encouraged to Censor & Remove Posts Websites Shadow Ban Freedom of Speech Destroying the 1st Amendment State Run Associated Press: Political Prisoner Julian Assange Released Still to Come: Huge Supreme Court Decisions Trump Claims of Pres Immunity at Forefront

  [June 26, 2024 (20:00 PDT)] A dark day in the United States, critical thinkers, I Know, I also do not have the time to read but the first few pages of the 69-pg PDF, yet here is your link: Supreme Court of the United States  MURPHY, SURGEON GENERAL, ET AL, v MISSOURI ET AL. With a 6-3 decision, most of the public is in shock; perhaps, this has more to do with the WW III plans and need to censor information for about what likely will transpire [as we & NATO largely get handed-our-ass,] and the planned steal of the 2024 election. As we saw, previously, the decision  legitimizes FBI agents coaching big tech on a daily basis who to censor, what posts and websites to take down and who to harass & hunt down destroying their ability to make a living--ala Alex Jones. Speaking of World War III: Canadian Prepper Russian Diplomats Recalled War Imminent  (36:33m) First, let us wrap-up on the  Totally High Court It reminds me of the strung-out on opioids & ...

Oakland Mayor Echoes HillBillary with Claims of Vast Right Wing Conspiracy How Now Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Another Sideshow Center Mass Bay Bridge Over 150 Cars One Arrest Globalist Use TransGenderism as a Bridge to TranHumanism

  KTVU Oakland: OAK Mayor Claims Tech Billionaires & Piedmont Residents Behind FBI Raid  SF Standard: 150 on Sunday Night Bay Bridge Sideshow 1 Arrest Meanwhile, the MSM repeaters have done such a great job brainwashing so many, an acquaintance argues, "There has never been a mass shooting by a black man." Somehow, he knew nothing of the Junetenth shooting of 15 in Oakland last week. I was able to come-up with the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard  just over a year-ago and the one last year in NYC; however, as usual instead of arrest coverage, arraignment, trial, sentencing, afforded to white mass shooters, no coverage is given if it does not fit the MSM narrative. I really cannot blame him.  If you are a Normie who is not emersed in the news cycle, who would know what happened on Juneteenth 2024 in Oakland, or how I was violently beaten on Juneteenth--by a man spewing racial epithets a few years back--there is rarely media coverage when the 1.5 or 2 % of the bla...

DEVELOPING: HOUSE OWNED BY OAKLAND MAYOR RAIDED BY FBI Did Not Fit the Narrative: Juneteenth Shooting Now Declared a Mass Shooting Number Injured Climbs from 4 to 15 People

  [JUNE 20, 2024 (10:00 AM PDT)] Good morning critical thinkers, Drake in the CT&Reasoning newsroom monitoring KRON 4 News which is reporting about 2-dozen FBI Agents removing several large cooler sized containers and a half-dozen file boxes. Image Credit: Michael Thomas KRON 4 News Once cleared, other media outlets rushed the door to knock and see if anyone answered; fat chance of that, right? Funny, many of the agents made efforts to conceal their identity--appearing rattled by all of the media being held back across the street. As I always like to say during these high level raids such as Mar-a-Lago, Epstein Island, or P-Diddy's sex dens: "Fortunately, the FBI is on scene in case anything needs to be covered-up." Here is What We Know at this Hour Mayor Sheng Thao, now faces recall after a coalition of citizens groups turned in well over the amount of signatures, yesterday; in fact, the number of signatures exceeded the number of votes cast for Thao's run for m...

BREAKING: WILLY MAYS DEAD AT 93 GOOGLE BIG TECH CENSORSHIP: CT&Reasoning Gets Photo Image of Alleged Eugenicist Dr. Fauci in an SS Nazi Hat Removed

  [JUNE 18, 2024 (19:00 PDT)] Critical Thinkers, I just got censored by Big Tech, We will get to that, but one of the greatest baseball players of the 20th Century has passed. 1955 Mays as an NY Giant Before Coming Over to Our Side KPIX 5 WALL-TO-WALL COVERAGE SINCE I WALKED IN AN HOUR AGO I first became aware of Mays about the time we moved from SF to Hollywood--as a 5-year-old--in 1965; truly, a great role model and beloved here in the City. Alright, I want to get to censorship being alive and well in 2024.  Yesterday, I posted the press conference from the Kansas AG's Office on criminal prosecution of Pfizer for covering-up evidence of over a 50% increase in miscarriages of jabbed pregnant women, myocarditis, sudden deaths, blood clots, severe nerve damage/syndromes following Covid-19 vaccines and so much more spelled-out in this 174 pg PDF: Here is the 179 Pg PDF The first 2 pages demonstrate the crimes against humanity [Genocide] alleged against Drug Giant, Pfizer; accord...

BREAKING: Kansas Attorney General Files Suit Against Pfizer Over Covid Vax Deaths Organ Failures Neurological Disorders Scary: More Asymmetric Warfare Planned 20 Missing NYPD Uniforms 200 Police Car Decals & 31 Police Radios

  Editors note: Please excuse my typo of leaving the 'T' out of the word "Bankrupt" on the last post . . .it always seems to be the headline! [June 17, 2024 (14:00 PDT)] This just in critical thinkers, Wheels Coming Off Covid Cover Up Fox Business: Kansas Sues Pfizer Over Misrepresentations and Adverse Events of Covid 19 Vaccine Gee. . . such a mild headline if you read what is being alleged (?) Oh That's Right: TV & Digital MSM are 80% Funded by Big Pharma & Interlocking Boards You need only to read up through the 2nd page to see how damning the accusations are against the drug makers failures and attempts to cover-up all of the sudden deaths, miscarriages, and neurological disorders. Here is the 179 Pg PDF At the end of the AG's office press conference, my prayers were answered when he stated they are working with AGs in other states who are expected to join Kansas in this prosecution. Back soon as news breaks and hope other states will step-up befor...


  [JUNE 15, 2024 (11:00 AM PDT)] Populist Media Empire Creator Alex Jones Holds News Conference at Houston Courthouse  Landmark 1st Amendment Win . . .well, sort of; after all it is bankruptcy court Yesterday, this broke on the Eastern Time Newsfeed of NBC News with Lester Holt, critical thinkers, NBC NEWS: NEWS WEBSITE SHOW HOSTS CREW & STORE REMAINING TO OPERATE SANDY HOOK FAMILIES ATTORNEYS URGED GAGGING EVEN JONES' 'X ACCOUNT That was put out there yesterday and most were hedging their bets on the LLC, Free Speech Systems, being shutdown; instead, a court appointed trustee will handle the finances, yet otherwise AJ remains the CEO and the shows must go on! MSM SPINS AS A HUGE DEFEAT CT&Reasoning loves to report from all sides, so be it: AP: Jones' Personal Assets to be Sold to Pay $1.5B Sandy Hook Judgement Bankruptcy Dismissed Alright, I have been to about eight leans-left news sites to post for you [Politico CNN Daily Beast Mother Jones] and the story is...


  [JUNE 11, 2024 (10:45 PDT)] GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY Current Image & Headline on the Top Fold of Drudge Report  CNN:  HUNTER BIDEN GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS IN GUN CASE . . .oh, the irony 14 min ago President Biden will head to Delaware after speaking at gun safety event From CNN's Michael Williams President Joe Biden will depart for Wilmington, Delaware, just hours after a jury there convicted his son on firearms-related charges Tuesday. Biden was not originally scheduled to travel to Wilmington on Tuesday, but the White House updated his schedule after Hunter Biden's conviction. The president will head to Delaware after delivering remarks at an  Everytown for Gun Safety event  scheduled for 1:30 p.m. ET in Washington, DC.   [June 12, 2024 (Noon)] Just thought you might find this story of interest, critical thinkers, After months of reading about people hooked on Ozempic, gaining weight back within months of stopping the injections, and--more importantly--Opr...


  [June 10, 2024 (12:30 PM PDT)]   Local PBS Audio Interview & Web post Went Viral on All 63 Radio Stations California Report                                                                                           Image Credit: Vanessa Rancano/KQED     CSU Students Struggling With Lack of Housing Food Longtime no see, critical thinkers, I have had to work through all kinds of issues with tech support for several days, insurance for what became a complete hardware failure here in the CT&Reasoning newsroom, and s...