Is Addiction to Screens Causing Unquestioning Compliance with Covid Restrictions
Hello Again Everyone, I had a great day at the beach with a friend, and all of this being cooped-up needs to come to an end. The good news? This planned-demic hysteria continues to lose traction. I talk to security guards at government offices, retired folk on SFMTA or MUNI platforms and buses, working class, and techies [that last group bringing-up-the-rear or oftentimes--still--going along with the official narrative.] ...hence: This Posts Title: Is the addiction to screens at the heart of people's lack of logic or willingness to apply commonsense, critical thinking and reasoning? [The following Smartphone link to my colleague's monologue, Clyde Lewis, was added to this post tonight, November 16th, 2020.] I have a smartphone , yet have some ground-rules governing its use; for instance, I never walk looking into the device, refuse to wear earbuds while walking on city streets or around autos--the scooters & motorized bikes going 25 MPH THE WRONG WAY on Mid-Market SF si...