
Showing posts from January, 2023

World War III: It is Closer than You Think UK Army Spied on & Censored Covid Vaccine Skeptics Oh No Not Again: Another Mysterious Fire at an Egg Farm 100,000 Chickens at Risk

  Hello there, on the verge of WW III, critical thinkers, . . . huh, maybe it has already started (?) WSJ: Tanks Armored Vehicles & More Air Defense Systems Signal US & NATO Stepping into Direct Conflict with Russia  We will leave that for the historians--post apocalypse, K? Daily Mail: UK  Military Targeted Politicians & Journalists who Questioned Official Narrative We have Another Food Processing Plant Under Siege NBC News Connecticut:  You Think Eggs are Expensive Now AND: Two million pouring illegally into the US per-year Think an open border with hordes of military age men from all of the countries we have bombed, invaded, occupied, or, otherwise gone to undeclared war with--killing their families--may be among them? . . . sleeper-cells?  . . . anyone, anyone. . . Bueller, Bueller, Bueller? Alright, I cannot fathom how 10,000 chickens can be packed in a 600 x50 ft. area, but that is another blog post, yet, did not the laws passed a few year...

Hold on WEF Super Villan Claus Schwab: Another Globalist Billionaire Rivals for Top Spot George Soros

Hello again critical thinkers, I have listened to several interviews of Matt Palumbo, author of the Book, The Man Behind the Curtain ." If you're wondering how our major cities have become living hellholes--festering with violent criminals unafraid of any repercussions and BentiFentiheads rooting through trash they stockpile--look no further than the notorious George Soros. Long-rumored to be drinking children's blood to extend longevity--Soros Needs a Nanny Pelosi-style facelift, no? Soros: Self-admitted Nazi Collaborator Soros, who divulged he rounded-up Jews as a teenager in his native Hungary to Mockingbird Media's, Anderson Cooper, in an interview which aired in 1998 on CBS News magazine, "60 Minutes."  NY POST: George Soros Spent 40 million to get progressive DAs elected prior to the opening-round of their violent revolution---the 2020 riots. So egregious are the actions of the Soros-backed progressives that for the first time in history, these prosecu...

JFK CIA Connection: Nixon VP Gearld Ford & the New World Order Carlson: Biden Being Thrown Under the Bus

Great to be back, critical thinkers, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy: Prouty, L. Fletcher, Stone, Oliver, Ventura, Jesse: 9781616082918: Books I have been reading about and investigating the JFK assassination since 1974. Tucker Carlson Tonight [1/19/2023 TRT: 12:40m] Although the entire clip is really compelling building-up to this, if you go to the 8:00m of the show, you will find the context of the JFK/CIA culpability; accordingly, many of us who research these things, have known for decades, the links between the Watergate plumbers---many of whom were involved in the November 22, 1963 assassination---and Gearld R. Ford being installed for VP as the first and only unelected President in US History. Out of many more qualified, 100 US Senators, 50 governors, or any of the other 434 members of the US House of Representatives, yet an obscure congressman from Northern Michigan, Ford, is picked as Nixon's VP--a trustworthy asset who had se...

The Twitter Files: Legacy Media & Big Tech's Unprecedented Censorship AP: Knowledge of Davos Plans Going Mainstream Video: Reporter Confronts Pfizer CEO

  Nice to see critical thinkers returning to the blogsite post holidays, Epoch Times:  Widespread Suppression of the Alternative Media  As is oftentimes the case at CT&Reasoning, we just get out of the way and let the news item do the talking. Government Pressured Social Media Giant into Censoring 1000's of Accounts Click the above link to navigate the flow chart signaling the key players & agencies involved I wanted to put this up and explain how important the  Infographic-- embedded within the link--can be for understanding what has happened. If pressed for time or multitasking, the excellent story has an audio narration as well.  The well-sourced news item provides a roadmap of how federal law enforcement, alphabet-soup intel agencies, and  Patriot Act (2001) created agencies, imposed following 9-11, are now trying to enslave the citizenry. Alright, more on this and other news, tomorrow, Drake  [January 18, 2023 (9:30 AM PST)] Hi again every...


  "Uhhh. . . what was. . . LOOK, you know 'the thing'" CNBC: 2nd BATCH OF CLASSIFIED DOCS FOUND IN BIDEN's GARAGE Good morning critical thinkers, Earlier today, I posted on the breaking censorship news and now this! As many have predicted, Biden will be thrown under the bus, yet I did not think it would come this swiftly after the November 8th election. Now the question becomes how to maneuver Gavin Newsom into position? Pretty crazy, huh? Somehow, VP Harris has to be dealt with. Will another scandal erupt to get her out---ala'  VP Agnew---before they could go after Nixon? Extremely unpopular and a mental midget, the Dems cannot have Harris at the top of the ticket, yet Biden's cognitive mental decline has been on full display for his entire term and is worsening. Stepping Into the Way Back Machine [1/12/2023 (14:40 PDT)] Back to the keyboard, you guys, I am not sure what to think of this article; apparently, the newly appointed Biden special prosecutor se...

CBS: Normalizing Cardiac Arrest Among Student Athletes FBI Using CIA & NSA to Spy on US Citizens

Last night, CBS Evening News, hosted by Norah O'Donnell, produced a story on why all K-12 sports need to have a defibrillator [AED,] close-by.  Vaccine Injuries & Deaths from Myocarditis  The episode ran on Fake News, CBS, including a segment with O'Donnel exclaiming, "Cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death among young athletes." After a medical doctor explained how this is [now] normal, O'Donnell got on all-fours performing CPR on a medical dummy and administering a shock using the AED while interviewing a medical doctor, Corine Hudson, who stated, ". . .it may happen as frequently as once [nation-wide] every five days." . . .obviously, zero mention of the vaccine (s) correlation/causation.  Normalization of 'Emergency Use Authorization' Drugs According to Epoch Times, US Senator, Ron Johnson (R-WI) stated, " . . .hundreds of 'safety signals' have been issued," which have not been acted upon by the CDC. FBI Reveals it...

Louisiana AG: White House Lobbied Facebook to Censor Tucker Carlson over Questioning Vaccine Adverse Reactions Lack of Efficacy House Speaker Drama Over: Speaker McCarthy Vows to Undue Planned 87,000 IRS Agents Being Hired

Hello Critical Thinkers, Local mainstream media [MSM] and monitoring streaming and broadcast newscast continue to suppress or remain--largely--silent on what Elon Musk calls the "Twitter Files." BTW:   If a Tesla flies off a cliff along HWY 101 or catches on fire over the Altamont Pass, the brand "Tesla" is always voiced in a negative tone; obviously, when you hear, "Several vehicles got tangled-up on the Northbound lanes of the Golden Gate Bridge. . ." on the local traffic report, it is not "A Buick hit a Honda, etc." A subtle but interesting sidenote.  Evidence Confirming What We Already Knew: Other Tech Platforms Censoring Besides Twitter, over ten other US intelligence agencies have been vigorously involved in censorship. Summit News: WH in Backdoor Communication to Suppress Carlson & Demanded Google to Censor too.  RT: Covid Related Tech was Exploited for Mass Surveillance It is hard to find much coverage, yet within the above Summit pie...

CA Flooding & Mudslides After Record Rainfall BREAKING: Buffalo Bills v Bengals Canceled Vaxed Cincinnati Safety in Critical Condition

  Happy New Year Critical Thinkers, Yesterday, we had a beautiful reprieve from the downpours; remarkably, in California, I have never seen so much rain in a 24-hour period after 20 years in Sac, now some over a decade in SF, and as a child,  seven-years living in Los Angeles, [of course.] That said, living 20-years in Portland/Vancouver, it was not unusual to see several inches, regularly in 24-hrs---even witnessing 5 or 6 inches in a day a couple times. WaPo: Atmospheric River Brings SF's Second Wettest Day on Record Alright, I wanted to get this post started as the next system (s) stack-up, and will need some follow-up reporting; however, we have the Elon Musk's Fauci Files are expected to drop in a couple days, the new congress getting sworn-in, and more pulling-back of the curtain on the PlannedDemic and deadly vaccines which has been a recent focus as the public wakes-up. Be back soon,  Drake [January 2, 2023 (7:40 PST)] ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST: BENGALS PLAYER IN...