Super Villain Claus Schwab Explains Global Takeover of the World Developing: Taking A Deeper Look at Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine USA's Military Attacks on Countries have killed Millions of Civilians
Natural News Mar 2, 2022: US Embassy Website Removes Evidence of Ukrainian Bioweapons Labs Hi Everybody, I wanted to park this image and get to researching what is being disclosed about Covid being a part of this softening-up for a war on the US, the world, and further destabilizing of governments, institutions, and society. For example, just look at the trauma of mask-wearing and two years of what inferior online education has done to the nation's children. Higher rates of suicide, drug addiction. higher incidents of alcohol abuse--losing your two or three generation restaurant or family business will do that to you as the Big-box businesses flourish--by design. Previously, the Globalists have succeeded at getting us to fight among ourselves since the 2020 BLM George Soros-funded riots and would prefer a civil war between all of these divided factions here at home. Notice how as the Truckers in Canada stood-up & now, as US truckers undertake their Convoy to Washington...