Hey You All, Please try to get-over that this 9m Total Run Time [TRT in BECA Parlance,] video from 29% invested Saudi Arabia controlled Fox News having now been posted for your consideration. We are witnessing those who control the servers in Big Tech, now taking-down the last vestiges of the 1st amendment or enshrined free speech in The United States of America. ...I prefer that label to the really insensitive and inaccurate depiction of our country as "America," Central and Southern America be damned, right? Over the last few weeks, following some 25 million people or Facebook accounts moving from FB to the fledgling Parler app--in an effort to flee big tech censorship--they have pulled their Amazon Web Services [AWS,] base, attacking the free exchange of ideas and speech on the web: Carlson on Attempt by Big Tech to Destroy Parler As every hour transpires, I watch our system of governance, branches of government, checks and balances,--states rights v federal-...