
Showing posts from July, 2022

BREAKING: Quadruple Vaccinated Biden Tests Positive for Second Time in Less Than Two Weeks Globalist Plot to End Nation State & Implement UN Agenda 2030 Explained

Greetings Critical Thinkers, Maybe they are ready to make their move and take out the almost eighty-year-old? Clueless This just in and there is little to report at this hour; subsequently, I have checked ABC, NBC, Fox and the usual MSM mob, but all have no other details than the CNN story. CNN: Biden Test Positive--Again & Again--for Covid. Moreover, it has been about :40m since the story broke and it just went top-fold--in red--on Drudge linking it to a CNBC Report that adds in some more detail. Gosh, it could be a great time for China to create an incident with our confused leader unable to be around others in the highly secure situation room below the white house. CNBC: July 30, 2022 (14:23 EDT) Biden to Isolate Amid Yet Another Covid Positive Test Guess the pills manufactured by Pfizer, Paxlovid, work about as well as the vaccines, huh? DD Epoch Times: UN World Economic Forum Behind Global war on Farmers “Public control of land use is therefore indispensable,” the U.N. declar

Hollowing Out Military Readiness with Vaccine Mandates Pelosi Trip to Taiwan Escalating Tensions in China Straits US Spending 5x as much to Replenish Strategic Oil Reserve After Millions of Barrels Transferred to Communist China

  Frontpage Mag: After Only 95 Covid Deaths Biden Wants to Purge 10,000 of Military Personnel Hello again Critical Thinkers, When you hear news reports of the US sending China millions of barrels from our strategic oil reserve, the ongoing compromise of The Big Guy from the Hunter laptop scandal and take in the vaccine mandates being used to remove up to 15% in some jobs [defined as an MOS in military nomenclature such as "11B Infantry"] it becomes increasingly clear that we are witnessing a takedown of the US and the nation state. In the story by Daniel Greenfield, we can only surmise that if you do not have the Airman [sic: Air person] to fuel the carrier-based fighter plane, the flagman to guide the pilot, the below deck crew to load the payload for delivery, the catapult- hooker-uppers . . . You get the point: It takes a well-oiled machine with everyone playing their part or that bird don't fly! Alright, I have not posted for over a week and wanted to get this started

BREAKING: 376 Cops Stood Down While Children Massacred in Uvalde

  Is Uvalde Another Chapter in the Ongoing PSYOP to Disarm US Citizens? "Golly-gee, listening to those bloodcurdling screaming kids is annoying!" "Hand sanitizer, anyone?" NY Post: Investigation finds 376 Law Enforcement Officers Stood down  Updated July 20, 2022 Hey critical thinkers, I am leaving this as a stand-alone post and have other irons in the fire for the next post. Thanks for your readership. Drake  

Geoengineering: Climate Engineering Programs Causing Drought

Hello Critical Thinkers, We have covered Geoengineering [AKA: Chemtrails] within a post or two; unfortunately, public apathy and once again that phrase--conspiracy theory--has been used to try to discredit credible researchers such as Dane Wigington: YouTube: Drilling Under Lake Mead to Drain the Last Drop [6:06m] Accordingly, I should attribute finding the above video within a post on Lew Rockwell's American Thinker website yet have been photographing the strange patterns in the skies over Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA for decades and have well over 100 hours of research on the topic. See For Yourself: Are the Elite Storing the Water for Themselves? If you would like to take at least a few hours to go down this rabbit-hole, I think you will find his videos compelling and top-notch.   Wigington's homepage, has had over 40 million visitors. His award-winning documentary, The Diming, which was released over a year ago should compel those undecideds to bel

Following up: Chaos Unfolding in the TL Goes Viral Fertilizer AND Food Shortages Propell Dutch Farmers into Rebellion Video: Biden Crime Family Drains Strategic Petroleum Reserve Giving it to China Georgia Guidestones Destroyed

  Hey. . .that is only couple blocks away:  Zero Hedge : SF Children Having to Step Over Drug Addicts to Get Home from School Notice Incorrect Headline from the Associated Press: Pollution Cuts? Dutch farmers are embroiled in  a summer of discontent  that shows no sign of abating. Their target? Government plans  to rein in emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia  that they say threatens to wreck their agricultural way of life and put them out of business. No, this is about fertilizer not going to farmers; undoubtedly, we are going to have food shortages, crops are not being planted to a large degree, and we will witness the collapse of the nation state. Hate to say I told you so, no. . .  It was none other than George Herbert Walker Bush [41] told you so on national TV, "It is a big idea. . . A New World Order." This--alleged--co- conspirer  in the death of JFK [35] was Mr. CIA long before he was appointed to head the agency in 1975 by none other than Gerald R. Ford who was o

Investigative Expose Reveals What Living in 2022 Tenderloin is About Closing Thoughts on the Ongoing Destruction of The United States

    Welcome Back Critical Thinkers, I go to church and do some volunteer work in The TL and am absolutely so frightened by the criminals everywhere--that I always make it home by dark, refuse to wear my Carhart jacket, or the $350.00 [2010 Dollars] Columbia brand onetime Portland parka even during a showery daytime. I found this article which thoroughly explains how when we hear phrases like, "The Cartels are in control of the border and their mules bring in the Fenti," quite helpful.  Real Clear Investigations: The Criminal Order Beneath the Choas of the Tenderloin By  Leighton Woodhouse , RealClearInvestigations June 16, 2022 I am going to leave this as a mostly stand-alone post and urge people to at least skim if not a Bay Area Resident; unfortunately, this is a nationwide problem in our major cities, we just are the worst example. My contention is we are being softened-up for a Chinese-led UN invasion to come as the US continues to collapse. The Globalists have shut down

Alleged Mass Shooter Crimo Appears Another MK Ultra Style Mind Control Operative Known to Law Enforcement

NY POST . . . In another video, in which Bobby E. Ray Crimo III appears in a classroom wearing a black bicycle helmet, he says he is “like a sleepwalker … I know what I have to do.” “Everything has led up to this. Nothing can stop me, even myself,” he adds. NY Post: Social Media Posts Telegraphed Intentions Bizaar Videos &Violent Art Now Taken Down by YouTube Hello Critical Thinkers, I did not think I would be turning out another post, but this has all of the markings of a deep state psyop which have been the hallmark of so many of these be it Parkland,  etc.   Okay, that's it for now. Townhall: Suspect Known to Law Enforcement Disgusting, he could have been flagged and this should have never happened. Drake PS. When you read the above articles, you will see they even have the optic of him draped in a Trump 2020 Flag! 

Happy 4th of July Rumors on Trump Announcing Run 4 2024 Drone Swarm Tactics & Ukrainian Switchblade Tactics Rockefeller Foundation Plan to Alter Food Supply Chain

Not sure what the t ake-away is regarding this news item on 4th of July-eve: RT: Number of Americans Willing to Take-up Arms  . . .with a small sample-size of 1000 people polled, I think this is not a legit survey. That said, people are pissed-off. Nevertheless, interesting as people wake up to the Claus Shwab World Economic Forum's [WEF Davos Group] agenda and how this economic collapse is being largely fueled by shutting-off our domestic oil production, pipelines, and refinery capacity; subsequently, a global food crisis is upon us, fertilizer being withheld from farmers with next years' crops not being planted--to a large extent--and turmoil everywhere we turn. It is early and post # 131 is now underway. Back at ya soon, Drakster I'M Baaaack [July 3, 2022 (4:40 PDT)] I have a few chores to attend to prior to the holiday and may not post tomorrow, but here is some more red meat to chew on: Trump to Announce Intentions Tomorrow (?) RETRACTION: JULY 4, 2022 (11:20 PDT)] [