
Showing posts from October, 2022

Hammered in San Francisco: Speaker Pelosi's Husband Attacked in Home Break-in Elon Musks Begins to Take the Reins of Twitter

DEVELOPING: SAN FRANCISCO OCTOBER 28, 2022 (9:00 PDT) Fortunately, The FBI is on-the-scene in case anything needs to be covered-up or the law applied unevenly. Hello, and let me add, I did not think I would be posting after doing so yesterday.  This CNN Report is Light on Details Surprisingly, The Daily Mail seems to have the best images on the scene and in-depth coverage. [Updated 14:00 PDT] We now have a picture and further background information on the suspect Let us try our flaky TV network affiliates and local print media: According to Elizabeth Cook of KPIX CBS 5, more FBI and media are arriving following the 2:40 AM breach of the Pelosi compound--despite, obviously, being a gated/guarded residence. Locally, we are expecting a press conference around 11:00 AM from the SFPD. The usual "I cannot believe this could happen in Pacific Heights," from the neighbors is a common refrain. SF Chronicle: A Neighborhood in Chaos       Is the Misson the Next Tenderloin? The View L

Judicial Watch FOIA Document Dump: Administration Propaganda Plan Spent 100s of Millions to Indoctrinate Public New Book Confirms Covid Narrative Falling Apart Housekeeping: A Special Message to CT&Reasoning Readers on News Gathering Philosophy & Journalistic Ethos

  Hello Again Critical Thinkers, As often the case, I park a few links to news items after preparing what will be the contents from this last week's news cycle; accordingly, it has was October 21st with a follow-up posting of content on October 25th. We are going to continue shining the light on these fertilizer shortages, planting, and emerging global food crisis which are speeding at us like a Japanese bullet train! Of course, there is such a resistance on the part of the mainstream media [MSM] to bring to the public the continuing emergence of negative health outcomes among the sheeple who went along with the vaccines; that said, the propaganda and bullying which many of you endured drove you to go along with the program or programming  and as a media scholar, I understand what has taken place and stand with you in utter disgust of what has--and continues to be done to us. Outrageous: The COVID Propaganda Campaign Drug into the Sunlight Unfortunately, this is just the opening sn

CDC Forced Vaccination of Children will Provide Liability Dodge for Big Pharma Death Cult NY Supreme Court Decision: NYC Vaccine Mandate Declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL ARBITRARY & CAPRICIOUS Fauci to be Deposed in Censorship Case

Hi Guys, Just parking funny link which points to the absurdity we awaken to on a daily basis; fortunately, the globalists-eugenicists have overplayed their hand and the public is shunning the plan for endless vaccines and the public is taking a stand--finally. Awaken with JP: Will He Get Away with It" [October 25. 2022 (11:11 AM PDT) Good morning, everyone, I am monitoring multiple news mediums throughout broadcast, streaming, and digital platforms, and virtually none are reporting on this story. BREAKING: Tweet from Law Office of Chad LaVeglia "We Just Defeated Your Vaccine Mandate for Every Single NY City Employees Fired; undoubtedly, the Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate is Null & Void." Supreme Court of the State of New York: Read it for Yourself. . . Here is the Ruling   Again, I have heard nothing except from anyone in local media, the top-fold of Drudge Report is about Kanye West being canceled, and none of the links to NY Times etc. have yield any results: I

BREAKING: Fauci's NIAID & National Institute of Health Caught Funding Super Virus Five Times MORE Lethal than Omicron Strain Biden Unable to Cobble Together a Sentence or Formulate a Coherent Thought

 THE BIGGEST STORY AND MSM IS IGNORING IT  You Are Busted ! ! !  Welcome back Critical Thinking and Reasoning Scholars,  Well, I do not know how much more proof we need to demonstrate that COVID was deployed as a bioweapon, and that the same cast of characters who funded and foisted a pandemic upon the world are continuing to try to undermine our society, strip us of our liberties, and--ultimately--kill us. Sound sensational?  Read it for yourself; would the global elite start World War III to escape justice after--allegedly--blowing-up the Nord Stream pipeline, starving our domestic fuel production, and crippling our military by draining the Strategic Oil Reserve? ZeroHedge: EcoHealth Landed 1 Million Grant for Creation of Next More Deadly Visus According to the, Boston University has Undertaken Gain of Function Research to Create a Deadlier Covid Variant. Boston University scientists were today condemned for 'playing with fire' after it emerged they had created

Florida Surgeon General: Doubling of Death Rate Among Men Under 40 After mRNA Injections Maverick Tulsi Gabbard Calls Out & Leaves Democratic Party

  Welcome back Critical Thinkers, A big development regarding the Florida Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, announcing cardiac-related death almost doubling among men 18-39 years-old within 28 days following an mRNA vaccine. According to Angie Angers reporting for Tampa's Bay TV 9 News: "The Florida Department of Health (Department) conducted an  analysis  through a  self-controlled case series,  which is a technique originally developed to evaluate vaccine safety,”  a news release from the Florida Department of Health states . “This analysis found that there is an 84% increase in the relative incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. With a high level of global immunity to COVID-19, the benefit of vaccination is likely outweighed by this abnormally high risk of cardiac-related death among men in this age group.”  Here is another link if what is contained in the above paragraph fails: Florida Department of Hea

Red Alert: Talk of Nuclear War & Use of Kinetic & Unconventional Secret Weapons Underway Blue Angels Top Fleet Week Festivities in SF

 Hello again critical thinkers, I could back-engineer the following videos and grab the headlines and news sites to bring them to you via hyperlinks, yet it is all there, and Greg Resse Reports deserves the credit: Claims of a Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile [SLBM] Intercept & Crimean Bridge Attack Mysterious Wave Below Kirch Bridge Prior to Explosions Entitled, Depopulation Agenda Continues as World leaders Prepare for Nuclear War, the Resse piece contains a curious claim of Russia's Flagship Strategic Nuclear Sub [2:10m] having "disappeared" a few days ago--only to have surfaced through the artic ice--deploying dazzling technology to blind US Satellites.  Both of these videos are under five minutes and while I have seen parts of the Oliver Stone Interviews contained in the latter--it has been a matter of record that Purin's Russia has been trying to negotiate a peaceful coexistence with NATO & end the decades-long encirclement and hegemony  which has p

Funny Video: Most Prolific Creepy Hair Sniffing & Improper Touching set to Toy/Tin Soldier Arms while Wandering Evidence Mounting: US Naval Helicopter Activity over Nord Stream Pipeline Prior to Detonation

Good morning people, I thought a little levity was in order before plunging headlong into the next engineered disaster which will surely unfurl next week--as certain as the sun comes up!   Grabien Video: "The Wanderer" [TRT: 1:41m] Press Corp Meltdown Regarding President's Mental Fitness Last week marked a turning point when an evasive answer from Press Secretary, Karien Jean Pierre, was piled-on by subsequent reporters---many from media outlets which lean left---pushing for answers regarding Biden's accelerating spiral into late-stage dementia. Revisit what several physicians--including the former white house physician for both Obama and Trump--have described as "Tin" or "Toy" soldier posturing which they go on to explain as a marker for Parkinson-like symptoms of dementia. Don Corn Julioism on Display First displayed at the one-on-one debate facilitated by CIA Project Mockingbird Asset, Anderson Cooper, we see this bizarre positioning of the pr