Growing Evidence Texas Power Outage Done Intentionaly
Hello again, I want to park this special report for your consideration: Banned.Video: Biden's Dark Winter Comment Materializes for Millions This is a very concise report [4:56m] demonstrating that an executive order which protected the bulk power infrastructure or power-grid, signed by President Trump in 2018 [Executive Order 12930,] was suspended for 90 days on January 20th, 2021, President Biden signing a new executive order. As is often the case, I have other endeavors on a Saturday and like to start a post and will be returning to look-into an additional angle: Did a Geoengineering or Deployment of Weather Weaponry Contribute--Even Cause--the Deadly Texas Cold Front? As I look across the room at my bookcase, Naomi Kline's, Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism (2007) is nestled among books on JFK's Demise, Waco/Oklahoma City, and the 911 Truth Movement; no doubt, one of the best selling-books that year. Largely a book very critical of GW Bush and the embedde...