I Got News for You: Joe Biden Cannot Will Not Be Running for Reelection for President Anymore Prediction: RFK Jr. to Become Viable Populist Opponent to the Trump Machine
Daily Ma il: RFK Jr Works Out on Venice's Muscle Beach After Fundraiser in SF A tactical afront to Biden's frail physical & vegetated mental state, RFK Jr, plants a story the MSM seems to confuse with toxic masculinity. GOOD ONE! Okay, I will be back, but as much as MSM tries to censor and ridicule Kennedy, it only elevates his stature. A STROKE OF POLITICAL GENIUS: SHOW HOW FRAIL POTUS IS Joe Biden cannot talk, does not know what day it is or planet he is on, and will be departing on th e short bus sooner rather than later; going on record again, he will not continue running for reelection. NEWSWARS : BIDEN ADMITS HE SOLD STATE SECRETS IN DEMENTIA MELTDOWN I will be following-up on this and other stories, Regarding Kennedy, how does someone roughly my age get that kind of look? Steroids, some ask? Ordering that guy's stuff on late-night cable TV promising 6-pack-abs or what! [June 28, 2023 (11:11 AM PDT)] In my opinion, Kennedy will cobble together ...