BREAKING: US SENATOR DIANE FEINSTEIN DEAD AT 90 Premonition: Immediately After Awakening I Thought Feinstein Had or Will Pass
[SEPTEMBER 29, 2023 (11:00 AM PDT)] Mayor DiFi & Tony Bennett July 1984: I Was in Town for this & Will Be Uploading Images Alright critical thinkers, I am not claiming foretelling the future [well sort of regarding the second claim,] but I did not set my alarm, so I had no heads-up via radio alarm set to Armstrong and Getty carried locally on 560 KSFO, the usual routine. As I descended from my queen bed--perched high-a-top the newsroom & soon to be studios--I thought, "Diane Feinstein may have passed away," Far from clairvoyant, I have had many examples of possessing a 6th sense--experiencing occasional premonitions/precognitions and dabbled in astral projection with my older sister, Dorain, as a teenager, for instance. After coffee and fruit, I started scouring the web for news: KRON 4 (UPDATED 10:04 AM PDT) SEN FEINSTEIN (D-CA) ADVOCATE FOR LIBERAL PRIORITIES DIES AT AGE 90 Actually, more of a moderate who leaned progressive l