Developing: Why is this Invalid Allowed to Still Be President While We Are on the Verge of Nuclear War Creepy Halloween Images of Biden Biting Sucking Infants Feet ZeroHedge Reports Iran Readying Another Attack Before Election
[October 30 2024 (21:00 PDT)] Image Credit: (Really) INSANITY: BIDEN ONCE AGAIN INAPROPRIATE WITH CHILDREN What is going on with our child sniffer and chief? [October 31, 2024 (9:00 AM)] This morning, it is now being reported that several babies had their feet sucked, too. Image Credit: Tierney/Getty Images CANADIAN PREPPER: US MILITARY PREPARES FOR CIVIL WAR [46:01m] Things are getting crazy--and quite frankly--dangerous out there. BLOOMBERG: Putin Holds Strategic Nuclear Drills Days Before US Election USA TODAY: North Korea Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Test Records Longest Flight Time Lastly, since I took a swipe at Biden, this shows-up on Top-fold of Drudge Report today: Orange Man Bad The Mirror: Trump More Orange than 2020 Compared to Fanta Soda Can ZeroHedge: Iran Preparing Attack From Iraqi Airspace Later, Drake