Fortunately, The FBI is on-the-scene in case anything needs to be covered-up or the law applied unevenly. |
Hello, and let me add, I did not think I would be posting after doing so yesterday.
This CNN Report is Light on Details
Surprisingly, The Daily Mail seems to have the best images on the scene and in-depth coverage.
[Updated 14:00 PDT] We now have a picture and further background information on the suspect
Let us try our flaky TV network affiliates and local print media:
According to Elizabeth Cook of KPIX CBS 5, more FBI and media are arriving following the 2:40 AM breach of the Pelosi compound--despite, obviously, being a gated/guarded residence.
Locally, we are expecting a press conference around 11:00 AM from the SFPD.
The usual "I cannot believe this could happen in Pacific Heights," from the neighbors is a common refrain.
SF Chronicle: A Neighborhood in Chaos Is the Misson the Next Tenderloin?
The View Looking West towards City Hall from UN Plaza [isn't global governance great?] |
BTW: that is an old image, the camp swealing to hundreds of inhabitants last year.
Welcome to my World
I cannot emphasize enough, how the situation on the ground--just under two-miles away in the notorious Tenderloin neighborhood--has devolved into utter chaos with groups of ten or more junkies on most corners; these bent-over in FentiHead mode addicts are constantly thinking they are organizing the trash, followed by, pooping on the sidewalk, picking at bleeding wounds, and clutching their signature aluminum foil.
. . .I remember falling-asleep briefly while standing in formation due to sleep deprivation while in basic training, yet these fentanyl freaks can be ready to fall over, passed-out & bent at a 45% angle for what seems to be hours.
For many, drinking rotgut vodka starts early in the morning; meanwhile, SF Department of Power and Water [DPW] moving-in with snow/scoop shovels, snatching the soiled mattresses once said fentiBenty passes out--usually with pants down around their knees or with zero clothing on as is often the case!
Back to Our Developing Story in the Big Sh*ty
KRON 4 Morning Anchor, Darya James, reporting that the alleged assailant, David Wade Depape, 42 of Berkeley, appears to have entered through a smashed window & backdoor.
Update: Press Conference Underway
According to SFPD Chief, William Scott, and do-nothing DA, Brooke Jenkins, there was one hammer involved as police entered and wrestled the assailant to the ground.
At this hour, Paul Pelosi is in surgery at SF Zuckerberg General and is expected to have a full recovery.
Someone has been putting "Alex Jones was Right" bumper stickers on the Mid-Market HQ |
Censorship Czar Vijaya Gadde Top Execs Escorted out of Twitter Headquarter
Time for a late breakfast and we will provide more details as they become available.
Reporting from the CT&Reasoning Newsroom, I am Still, Drake Davis.
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