Geoengineering: Climate Engineering Programs Causing Drought
Hello Critical Thinkers,
We have covered Geoengineering [AKA: Chemtrails] within a post or two; unfortunately, public apathy and once again that phrase--conspiracy theory--has been used to try to discredit credible researchers such as Dane Wigington:
YouTube: Drilling Under Lake Mead to Drain the Last Drop [6:06m]
Accordingly, I should attribute finding the above video within a post on Lew Rockwell's American Thinker website yet have been photographing the strange patterns in the skies over Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA for decades and have well over 100 hours of research on the topic.
See For Yourself: Are the Elite Storing the Water for Themselves?
If you would like to take at least a few hours to go down this rabbit-hole, I think you will find his videos compelling and top-notch.
Wigington's homepage, has had over 40 million visitors.
His award-winning documentary, The Diming, which was released over a year ago should compel those undecideds to believe what they have been seeing with their own eyes for years:
You Tube: The Diming [1:56:50m] is loaded with testimony and data from scientists, former cabinet members of governments, the patients for the technology, and tons of videos & TV news reports on the phenomenon.
. . . Testimony includes former CIA Chief, John Brennen [18:01m] addressing the globalist think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR.]
At a commencement address, President Johnson speaks to the program and states, " . . . He who controls the weather will control the world." [15:28m]
Scientists taking soil and air samples--some demonstrating a 20x the normal amount barium, aluminum, sulfuric acid etc.
The documentary above is much more convincing than anything I can write here:
Just watch the first twenty minutes and the scientists involved giving speeches, the congressional US House bill numbers, and you too will become a believer.
Happy researching & spread the links,
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