Alleged Mass Shooter Crimo Appears Another MK Ultra Style Mind Control Operative Known to Law Enforcement
. . . In another video, in which Bobby E. Ray Crimo III appears in a classroom wearing a black bicycle helmet, he says he is “like a sleepwalker … I know what I have to do.”
“Everything has led up to this. Nothing can stop me, even myself,” he adds.
Hello Critical Thinkers,
I did not think I would be turning out another post, but this has all of the markings of a deep state psyop which have been the hallmark of so many of these be it Parkland, etc.
Okay, that's it for now.
Townhall: Suspect Known to Law Enforcement
Disgusting, he could have been flagged and this should have never happened.
PS. When you read the above articles, you will see they even have the optic of him draped in a Trump 2020 Flag!
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