Happy 4th of July Rumors on Trump Announcing Run 4 2024 Drone Swarm Tactics & Ukrainian Switchblade Tactics Rockefeller Foundation Plan to Alter Food Supply Chain
Not sure what the take-away is regarding this news item on 4th of July-eve:
RT: Number of Americans Willing to Take-up Arms
. . .with a small sample-size of 1000 people polled, I think this is not a legit survey.
That said, people are pissed-off.
Nevertheless, interesting as people wake up to the Claus Shwab World Economic Forum's [WEF Davos Group] agenda and how this economic collapse is being largely fueled by shutting-off our domestic oil production, pipelines, and refinery capacity; subsequently, a global food crisis is upon us, fertilizer being withheld from farmers with next years' crops not being planted--to a large extent--and turmoil everywhere we turn.
It is early and post # 131 is now underway.
Back at ya soon,
I'M Baaaack
[July 3, 2022 (4:40 PDT)]
I have a few chores to attend to prior to the holiday and may not post tomorrow, but here is some more red meat to chew on:
Trump to Announce Intentions Tomorrow (?)
Meanwhile, there are all kinds of rumors swirling that are beginning to reverberate or leak in the MSM; surprisingly, Trump may be jumping in the 2024 race for president; unusual to announce before the midterms, there are several factors that make sense for him to do so.
The thinking is with him under constant legal attacks from multiple jurisdictions, tons of civil suits moving forward, and the show trial---dressed-up as a house committee with zero representation from even the two republicans who were supposed to be on the committee--dominating news coverage day-after-day, 45 may want to go on the offensive while his brand is still resonating with the base.
Even stranger, the few here in The Big Shi*ty who supported Trump in 2016--whom I have talked to--seem mad about the vaccines being rushed into the population if they are inclined to believe the many documents and news stories we have chronicled at CT&Reasoning about children contracting myocarditis, athletes in the prime of their lives and others dropping dead at an ever-increasing rate.
I will not put-up links for the newcomers but go back to previous posts as this has been one of our key areas covered in the blog, repeatedly.
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