FBI Infiltrated Jan 6th Protest Planned Participated in Riot My Juneteenth Beating JFK's Speech on Secret Societies & The New World Order


 Hello Again Critical Thinking & Reasoning Readers,

There has been a lot of chatter regarding the failure to address what was being planned on January 6, 2021, and discussed on social media--previous reports that the Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio, had been an FBI informant--in no fewer than four federal criminal investigations since 2012; moreover, there is a large body of work just published by Revolver, the fledgling conservative outlet meant to counter the Drudge Report; astonishingly, the article indicates widespread corruption regarding that day by the Capitol Police, FBI, and other agencies!  

Sputnik: FBI Helped Organize & Execute in January 6th Capitol Attack

...even globalist controlled outlets are having to try to commit damage control:

Reuters: FBI Had Prior Knowledge of Planned Siege and May Have Even Stood-down 

For weeks prior to the capital being breached, social media site, Parler, notified the FBI no fewer than 50 times that they were monitoring posts from those intent on fomenting violence. 

RT: Parler Warned of Capitol Attack


Those warnings--went unanswered, and Big Tech succeeded in temporarily shutting-down Parler

Previously, CT&Reasoning reported about Proud Boy Leader, Turrio's being a agent provocateur or FBI plant.

February 26th Washington Post Story:

Late last month, court records surfaced from a 2012 fraud case that outlined how Tarrio had been a prolific cooperator with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in South Florida. Jeffrey Feiler, Tarrio’s defense attorney at the time, said that Tarrio had worked as an undercover informant in a case related to an immigrant-smuggling operation and that information he provided in another case enabled police to raid multiple marijuana grow houses.

..funny thing?

Conveniently, Tarrio was arrested two-days before the attack on the capital 
What do you mean, he is a compromised FBI informant within that federal law enforcement organization?

Nevertheless, I have sat on this newest story a few days, but now Tucker Carlson of Fox News [Faux] has gone public on the Revolver expose:

Revolver: Unindicted Co-conspirators Suggests FBI & Other Feds Helped Takeover the Capitol 

Obviously, you will find, a lengthy article which will require your careful dissemination.


[6.18.2021(23:00 PM) back on-site after being assaulted on a MUNI Bus at 4th and Market]

Earlier this week, I included local stories on how violent things have become here; unfortunately, a Zombie who had ear-buds deployed and transfixed on his phone while blocking the Clipper Card fare scanner as I boarded the bus thought I deserved a beating.

After asking him if I could scan my card, things escalated into the Old-White-Male being responsible for all of the world's ills' and despite my apologies if I was inappropriate--on a bus with plenty of seats available, he approached my seat in the disabled section.

After both myself and the operator asked him to stop pestering me, I stated, "You really don't want to assault a senior citizen--sitting-down--who is disabled, do you?"

Then he landed punches to my head resulting in a black eye and several bleeding contusions.



Before being punched five or six times, I begged for him to back-out of my personal space.

The bus had to stop service, police arrived, and I was transported to the hospital.


Famous Last Words: You Are Not Going to Attack a Senior Seated in the Disabled Section Are You?


YouTube Video Courtesy Let It Bleed (50th Anniversary Edition) is out now: https://abkco.lnk.to/LetItBleed  Rolling Stones: "Street Fighting Man"  

After a two-hour wait and virtually no one being seen, I made the decision it would be too unsafe to walk through the Tenderloin any later in the evening, leaving the ER without being seen, and was amazed at the craziness unfolding, Mace in hand.


[June19, 2014 23:00 PM]

...I checked-out okay at the Zuckerberg SF General today, the assailant remains roving our streets, and with the--under recall Soros' funded DA, Chesa Boudin, who was raised by Weather Underground Terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn, there is little hope the perpetrator will be held accountable.

I Have News For Everyone: I Ain't Leaving

My jaw now sore after having some snacks with my Trader Joe's Two-Buck-Chuck, I am going to make a statement:
Our family helped settle this state. 
According to The Sacramento Bee, my Father, Willard S. Davis Jr., is [was] "The Most Mothered Boy in Northern California" in an article published in 1925.
The five-generation picture taken at a family reunion in Oakland, states that my paternal great-great grandmother arrived on a ship from Chile in 1851, San Francisco:
On the maternal-side, refugees from the Irish Potato Famine settled in 1873 Trinity County and eked-out a living as silver miners and potato farmers, of all things.  
That said, if I find-out some of my forefathers participated in, for example, a Native American massacre or some such transgression, I will drag-it-into the sunlight and report on it.
...but from where I sit and being the family historian, I just see what I have jokingly referred-to for decades as my "having come from a long-line of 'well-functioning alcoholic Sacramento plumbers.'" 
A Sacramento Union [Real Estate Section] story circa 1975
While my father did work in Hollywood and Bay Area TV for some 28 years--an internship at Paramount Studios beginning in 1948 pads a few years--before becoming a residential realtor in Sac where mom and dad had been high school classmates; a bit of a sorority-gal who graduated from UC Berkeley, mom never missed an opportunity to point-out we were upper-middle class. 
Actually, I found this type of characterization repugnant, but hey, beats struggling for everything and never having gone skiing with my Uncle's family several times a year, right?
Unquestionably, my great-grandfather, grandfather, and finally Uncle Devin, Devin B. Davis, built Sacramento's Willard S. Davis Plumbing into a multi-million dollar company. The residential and commercial plumbing construction company employed nearly thirty people by the mid-seventies--UD as he was lovingly referred-to--having achieved a net-worth of about 8 million at the time of his death.
So, I am a native--like both of my sisters--we were born in SF. 
Upon my mother's passing in 2011, I discovered my paternal grandmother's obituary published in a 1967 Sacramento Union; hence, the article states her great-grandmother ran a lumber company/hardware store in1860's San Francisco. I have to take pause as I my walk around SF, passing legendary intersections that include, Sansome, Battery, Post, Sutter, Fremont--and yes, Davis Street, I have to wonder (?)
My recent graduation and earning of the coveted Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts [BECA,] degree from SFSU is not a matter of happenstance:
My story of overcoming homelessness after spending a year at a Jackson, CA veteran's shelter, a prior year living in a 1986 Subaru 4x4, and putting myself through SFSU while sleeping in a 10X5 storage area four out of six semesters, is one of resilience, tenacity, and a drive to spend twelve to fifteen hours a day--between the radio station & library--on campus pursuing excellence.
I was blessed and will not fail in my mission to also, become a notable--maybe not so famous or world changing as others--part of California History.

Point Being: It Can Take Multiple Generations of Hard Work to Attain Wealth

So, Happy Juneteenth or as I will not so fondly remember as Punch Five Times A Disabled Man Day sitting on a bus because of the racial hatred the mainstream media stokes 24/7.

Never in the history of the last thousand years has there been a country that has created more opportunity for people of all nationalities, creeds, and diverse backgrounds; just two-years ago, we had the lowest black unemployment-rate since records began to be compiled, soaring rates of new home ownership, and quarterly growth exceeding 3 or 4% GDP.

Currently, we have up to 200,000 replacement workers per month--infiltrated by terrorists coming to start forest fires, mass shootings, and kill us--entering the country illegally.

...of course, there are many fine folks who just want a better life and have risked life & limb to obtain  the once American Dream; We have known their predecessors, and I support The Dream Act having known many college colleagues who by no fault of their own were dragged-across the border at a very young age--knowing nothing of their former country in many cases, and deporting them would be cruel & horrific. 

 The Real Crime: Destroying Wages & Displacing Lower Income Citizens Jobs

Sadly, many of these untested Covid-positive kidnapped children--undocumented invaders entering the country--are disappeared into rural communities. Completing the child-trafficking process and invasion of the once sovereign nation of the United States, organizations such as Catholic Charities, target the last remaining Red States to dump the supposed refuges given loaded with $500.00 Visa debit cards and George Soros' funded monies never to be deported--oftentimes, even their whereabouts, unknown.

We Are Witnessing the Long Planned End of The United States. 

If you question that statement, please go back and read one of my initial posts, The United States is Undergoing a Communist Revolution.  I am well-read and have been studying the globalists plans of subversion, subjugation, and gorilla war-fare tactics President Kennedy warned us about over a half-a-century ago.








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