[December 16, 2024 (22:00 PST)]
Female Student Shooter in Madison
[December 17, 2024 (Noon)]
A quick login last night; obviously, the timing of the identity of the shooter being a teenage female having been released for minimum impact at 8:00 PM.
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEho4fa9ap-TPQRyPnBdtpYj_EfRkH-rFpWUa5NTxOf8bvmp3Hwl9SQAjK-UakDnrxstMwTZPTeswCEnLMYtI0AJ047H4A8t-uIM0LwvWNGBMyIDyPk2b0engWqL6RDOgVdupmecpoIFxcvSnE8PkDem9dNjOXAq5At_EFX6yYSeSm6ZTPrTGbX46jbqbYE=w485-h640) |
Image Credit: shootingnewsweekly.com
Can you believe we now have a website with that name?
What is encouraging is that many media pundits, streamers, talkers, have observed and commented on the continuing pattern of media hyping and resulting speedy release of a suspects identity if a white man is the perpetrator.
Let me put my media pundit hat on:
. . .one more thing many of you will notice--if you have not been aware of another way MSM practices censorship-by-omission--is the practice of rarely revealing if the suspect is here legally; another good one is not posting or broadcasting a mugshot if the suspect is black.
I know racial discussion is a touchy topic, but I think if you will keep an open mind and observe whether this is the case, you too will see a pattern as well.
It is almost like the MSM wants to stoke racial disharmony!
For this next one, recall the Wayans' Brothers FOX TV show In Living Color:
Mo Money Mo MUNI MoMini
Following, weeks & months of wall-to-wall coverage, most of those who I interact with agree:
Local media ignores trials or following-up after an arrest--let alone a trial's outcome--for most of the violent criminals once convicted.
However, if one is a highly compensated tech exec, and an argument over alleged whore-sister of the suspect--who also is a tech-bro--resulting in the Cash app start-ups' founder being murdered, we have nightly coverage.
Those familiar with my musings on CT&Reasoning will recall my characterization of this type of coverage as OJ-ifi-Cation of the newscycle.
[Example: Round-the-clock coverage of a trial of a man who most believed killed two-people knocking-off important news from being covered; virtually, everyone talking about it around the water cooler at work for what seemed like a year.]
Repeatedly when asked, "Drake what do you think of the OJ trial?"
I never missed a chance to respond with, "Are you aware that the North America Free Trade
Treaty [NAFTA] could not pass
by a two-thirds vote in the US Senate, so they just started calling it an 'agreement' and all of our good blue-collar jobs and union trades are going to be shipped to Mexico?"
Back to Bob Lee & Mo Many Mo Money Mo Mini
Oh, did I mention everyone involved is white?
I guess you can slice that one several ways?
I think it has more to do with social strata or class, but why is this one murder more equal than others?
Realize, SF is like a big town and the media-types tend to hangout with our high-tech overlords; also, the victim, Bob Lee, worked in the West Coast's tallest building, Salesforce Tower--the fact that the architecture resembles a giant electronic dildo only adds to the salacious intrigue!
Got a smash-and-grab at Union Square or the almost daily occurrences in Oakland?
Newsroom editors refusing follow-up on arrests made because 90% of the perpetrators are black?
. . .I must add the normalization of mask wearing has greatly complicated the situation if media does bother to show us CCTV security footage.
Alright, let me see what other sensitive topics to write about, so I can dig a further hole for myself.
Oh, I know. . .
Now the San Francisco Chronicle gets into the race-baiting game:
hmmm. . .and I thought it was due to all of the meat and liquor thefts taking place every few minutes (?)
[Yes readers, it is that bad here. I can hardly get through the line at the 4th & Market Trader Joe's without a psycho fenti-benti nearly attacking me with flailing arms and incomprehensible demon-possessed screaming.]
However, the part about 1950's & '60's redevelopment is a well established fact and collective guilt over WW II Japanese internment led to Japantown being plopped-down; then,
Geary Blvd was widened dividing the Filmore to cut down the commute-time to the Financial District for upper-middle and upper-class residents from the Outer Richmond & Sunset Districts.
Good Lord, now they are running a compilation of all of the coverage highlights from the last year starting with the April 2023 stabbing.
I gotta get out of here. . .
Coming-up, the manifesto of the Madison school shooter is soon to be released.
. . .don't hold your breath,
(16:00 PST)
[December 18, 2024 (20:00 PST)]
Finally following up on our coverage of the absurdity of living in SF,
![](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEjJCkL-0J-r5UWHXg-EI4ZJR0kgEJCTShAelYOn4o2WB9RcOs8MpsUhlN-OVkGoFU0aIxEEAQn6Y0n8fUkGB46tT02eg5WWB6q6qj-1QKLXgrXpusg9KbOvI_ob1TfJoBR5ay2y_7zR8sOplmTvlOGmVKa34JvRY81JAu0tqlz3-ZTPBXmRRYCrYsN8PeA) |
Ewww! Image Credit: virgietovar/Instagram |
What will tomorrow bring?
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