Further Proof MSM Brand Seriously Wounded
[December 12, 2024 (18:30)]
Just wanted to park this here for the next post, critical thinkers,
CT&Reasoning posted a week-or-so-ago about MSNBC now having half the viewers since the election.
HITLER HITLER HITLER: How Did That Workout For Ya?
Alternative media overtook MSM around 2015/'16 and the only way they could compete was to use the FBI, Homeland Security, and a slew of other agencies and NGOs to coordinate with Twitter, Instagram, FB, & streaming legacy media to take down 10's-of-thousands of sites and reposting--Alex Jones being the most powerful & test case beginning in February of 2017.
Musk buying Twitter & rebranding as 'X was the beginning of the end, lawsuits & freedom-of-information-act [FOIA] requests have prevailed and those platforms [YouTube still slow to respond,] have fallen into line and largely reformed.
“The mainstream has become fringe and the fringe has become mainstream,” he said. “There are platforms, there are people out there that are getting 14 million streams and we’re on cable news getting one to two million.”
While we avoid Left/Right politics as much as possible, the Trump landslide, truly grassroots appointments of loyalist to his cabinet and departments, capitulation of Morning Shmoe Hosts, Mica & Joe, ZuckerBucks visiting Mar-a-Lago and donating a million to the inauguration; now, Time naming Trump, Person of the Year, are strong indicators of the MSM pivot.
Photo by Platon for TimeThere is Something Odd with the Image |
Speaking of Hitler: Many are aware of the once influential magazine's cover manipulation--be it OJ's or Trevon Martin's skin color and so-on. Something about Trump's cow-lick. Where is the usual comb-forward comb-over? Moreover, note the elongated lip-cleft suggesting further mind games from the publication which hid the JFK Zapruder Film--locking it in a NYC vault for years.
Be back tomorrow with war news on multiple fronts, but reading the Media-ite story really lays-out the sea change we are experiencing.
Remember, oftentimes, I partake in analysis of media by virtue of my Mass-Media Degree--BECA--from SFSU, Class of 2018.
Queen: "We are the Champions"
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