SCANDAL ERUPTS: ANNUAL JOB NUMBERS REVISED DOWN 30+% Possible First Gentleman Delivers Well Received Stand Up Style Delivery at DNC

AUGUST 21, 2024 (13:15 PDT)]

Getting busy with multiple screens open in the CT&Reasoning newsroom, critical thinkers,

First, a little self-reflection on the last post which received many more views than average; surprisingly, I was concerned on weighing-in on the controversy regarding VP Dem Pick, Tim Walz, ties to China in a blog/website which rarely covers the politicians, the parties, or the left/right back-and-forth.

However, it is only a presidential election year every four-years and with both the RNC completed & now DNC underway, we have included some coverage in our mix of stories; that said, I miss judged my readers and while there were other topics and stories in the post, I am going to gather that the evidence laid-out in several links was taken as a bit of a shock for you critical thinkers.

Jumping to Conclusions

Could Walz be Command & Control of the now 100,000 Chinese Military-aged Men in the US?

He has a 22-year military career with the US Army.

I will dig to find what those of us with military experience call Walz MOS [basically what amounts to your job title or what job a solder sailor or airmen do.] 

Even if it was called "NG" for "No Go" back in 1981 by the drill sergeants at Ft. Benning Infantry School, Georgia ["Son. . .Push Fort Benning Away from You!"] Indeed, in subsequent years, the NG's are often deployed to theaters of war; in fact, I really do not fault Walz for not deploying with his unit during Bush's--largely viewed as a failure or mistake--Iraq War. The way I see it, if he served over 20-years and chose not to go, he legitimately had the right to retire to avoid the conflict much as SCOTUS Justice Brandis, wrote the opinion on our right to try and avoid paying taxes, yet citizens needed to pay their taxes. 

Some Media Not Covering: The Long Touted Strong Job Growth has Been a Lie

. . .once again, I am talking to you at Drudge Report. . .what the hell is going on with those people?



Alright everyone, I have some tasks to tend to and it is my ritual to break for lunch during the live stream of a show we cross-promote and have some serious respect for:



Definitely, I will be back as I get settled in to watch the 3rd night at the DNC. I will say the speeches from Obama and Michele were expectedly strong and well delivered.

Beats that angry yelling and finger-pointing well passed prime-time in the eastern time zone on the first night, right?

Honestly, Biden got through it pretty well despite a couple of brain farts.

What I found refreshing--and a bit of a show stopper--was the contribution from The Second  Gentleman, Doug Emhoff, who delivered what amounted to a stand-up comedy routine which went over quite well.

Would Be First Gentleman         Image Credit: Newsweek

The Daily Beast had a funny piece on him.

Dear Doug Emhoff   Here's How to Make Your First Gentleman Dream Job 

Wrapping-up, I will chime-in on Clinton's & then Wald's primetime slots being a speech-kinda-guy, myself.

There is a lot of other news which I will be fattening-up this post with, too.


(22:00 in the PDT)

Walz to Walz Coverage

Back to the keyboards as promised, critical thinkers,

The Gov of Maryland, Wes Moore, is about to introduce the Trans Dept's, Pete Buttigieg.

 meanwhile. . .back to convention coverage

Oh Oh Oh, Ozempic: Can't Believe legendary Yo-yo Dieter Winfrey Looks. . .

well, thinner than she did in the mid-to-late 1980's when she brainwashed my 5-yr love-of-my-life--the person who was my fiancé--that her 9-5 daytime job as a receptionist at a title company was equally important as my overnight shift job for Westinghouse Broadcasting.

Never a day-off, eight-months after keeping my day job and pulling a 7-midnight weekend show at KAER 92.5 FM, I quit the apartment maintenance day-job & took a fulltime position Overnights.

It paid about what I grossed as one-of-thousands of multi-family apartment maintenance supervisors in Sacramento, yet I lost my tax-free lodging in a $900.00 per month two-bedroom/two-bath apartment.

Looking back and lacking negotiation skills versing the Fortune 500 behemoth which invented commercial radio in 1920 at KDKA Pittsburgh, I should have had an agent or something, no?

Continually begging for a raise, I held on for another eight-months or so after going fulltime--my fiancé and I not seeing each other much nor, sleeping at the same time in our bedroom.

She just couldn't understand with Group 'W Radio having recently purchasing for 25 Million, the station group KFBK/KAER becoming their smallest market [24th,] the career opportunity; however, I was on track to head to Denver or Seattle, and on to the Atlanta's & Miami's of the World--hopefully--ending-up in the Bay Area or doing Mornings in Los Angeles.

That was the dream anyway. 

The Broadcasting industry is riddled with bodies littering the road to those markets with broken-down paid-off cars having to be junked, near homelessness living conditions, divorce--and yes--suicide.

Hell, one of the jocks at KAER who was--allegedly--abusive to his wife, was ran over, killing him in the parking lot; unfortunately, The Sacramento Bee--which had owned the station group under the then recently defunct, McClatchy Broadcasting arm--covered-up the incident.

Welcome to the wonderful world of broadcasting!

In case you are saying, "way off topic, Drake," I will leave you with the fact that many of my then collogues--one named Kitty O'Neil, KCRA Sacramento Channel 3, did go on to anchor TV news for decades, others worked in Bay Area & LA radio [recently retired LA Mornings & formerly morning man at KFBK 1530 AM, Bob Williams, lastly of KLIV, Dallas] and the most famous of them all. . .

I cut commercials and promos which ran daily on then local sensation, Rush Limbaugh of 1530 KFBK Sacramento until he was catapulted to New York and shortly thereafter revolutionized syndicated radio.

This does not mean I agreed with Limbaugh's approach or politics, but for a brief moment of my life--just under two-years--I was there and things just broke the wrong way.

Prominent staff members


During the 1980s, KFBK employed Morton Downey, Jr. as a local midday host. Downey later went on to host a popular nationally syndicated weekday TV show. After Downey's departure, Rush Limbaugh replaced him at the station in 1984. Limbaugh first rose to prominence at KFBK before becoming nationally syndicated in 1988. His national program aired for many years on KFBK in the same time slot (9:00 a.m.–noon) where he hosted locally.

Limbaugh's local replacement, Tom Sullivan later gained national syndication. For a time, he also working for the Fox Business Network. Sullivan continues to be heard on KFBK weekday afternoons.

A number of other KFBK alumni have gained national prominence. Former KFBK news reporter/anchor Laura Ingle is a featured reporter on Fox News Channel. Former KFBK reporter and weekend anchor Todd Starnes hosted a weekday show on Fox News Radio and currently owns a radio station in Memphis, Tennessee. Former KFBK evening host Spencer Hughes hosted a weekday program Fox Across America on Fox News Radio.

As my mother and I agreed to put on my 20-year-plus television career father, Willard S. Davis Jr's headstone in The Sacramento Valley Memorial Cemetery located in Dixon, CA. . .

The phrase?

"That's Show Biz Baby"

Anyhow, a bit of a ramble.

The point being, the influence of show's like Sally Jesse Raphael, Oprah, and Donahue compelled women out of the home, pushing for children as young as 6-weeks to be surrendered into what I called, "Foster Daycare." 

Divorce skyrocketed and the reverse discrimination on men in hiring and--the meanspirited get-evenism of the '90's played-out in the workplace and in the courts. Oftentimes, women did the math and moved-up to their next marriage leaving the father's to add a third income stream when judge's guidelines left the men with punitive child support payments and unable to survive, financially.

. . .so far this has not been well received and--obviously--not my strong-suit. . .stick to foreign policy, military issues, and eugenics via vaccines, Drake!

Putting on my Sociologist Hat 

That Said & To Be Fair: 

The Resulting Epidemic of 2 & 3 Marriages & Complications of Blended Families was often a result of men ditching their first wives for what became known as "Trophy Wives."

The resulting break-up of the family has left us divided; now, the final act of these psy-ops is upon us with the pushing of trans rights undermining family & parents rights--the bridge to transhumanism, in my opinion.

I am all for everyone being equal and women pursuing whatever career choices they desire; however, I saw the dependence on two incomes as the final outcome and taxation of both streams as people just try to stay-above-water, and continued economic shock after cyclic shock making us collectively poorer decade after decade.

Announcement Announcement Annnooouuuncment

Lastly, apparently, I desire a need to return to having a creative writing outlet and CT&Reasoning is more of a news aggregator--sprinkled with some wit or opinion and I know from my social media classes and degree earned at SFSU, it is best to stay focused on the format and what visitor expect.

So, I have reestablished a follow-up to my original blog, Stand-by, I have purchased the URL and the companion blog from my 3-semester streaming radio show which played music from roughly 1968-1982 with stories of growing-up in both Northern and Southern California opens a new chapter, soon.



Thanks for hearing me out,



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