All Eyes on 'Big Boy' Press Conference at 3:30 PM Crime Continues to Spiral in East Bay Russia Changing Nuclear Doctrine NATO Reintroduces Medium Range Nukes to Germany


[July 11, 2024 (Noon)]

Greetings from the hottest day in the Bay Area this year,

With temperatures soaring into the 100s in what we call the inland valley (s) and The Sac. Right now, SF is a comfortable 70 degrees. 

It always intrigues me when our local network affiliates lead with amazement at the fact it gets hot over the Summer in NorCal!

The Governor's Disgust with DA Price Clear at News Conference

KTVU 2: Gov Newsom Pulls Offer to Lend Alameda Co DAs to Prosecute Crimes

Unacceptable Lawlessness CA AG to Assist in Lack of Prosecution

Because under recall, Soros Backed DA, Pamela Price, ignored the offer for months--as crime spiraled out of control--Newsom has pulled the offer for prosecutorial help; remember, many Assistant Alameda County DAs have quit much as Soros funded and now recalled and thrown out of office, SF DA Chesa Boudin, had about 48 assistant DAs resign, helping fuel SF's crime wave.

Why do I know it was 48 DA's which resigned in or about 2019-2021 from the SF County DA Office ?

Because of a lunatic I never knew who physically attacked me in my last building--throwing boiling grease on me--causing 3rd Degree burns. A racially motivated attack; despite a restraining order from a CA Superior Court Judge, Chesa Boudin dropped the 3rd Degree Felony Battery charge against the notorious, toothless, 88 Lbs. drug addict, who stalked me and threatened to kill me, brandishing knives, racial slurs, & hateful LBGT+ threats, regularly.

It is all a matter of public record--police called 20 times--SFPD not following the law as spelled-out on pg. 5 of the order explaining if the stalker violates the order, they must be arrested.

I only saw her arrested twice and never any jail time, except twice--overnight--after nearly defecating my pants when backed up against a wall as she plunged a dagger towards me--laughing hysterically. 

I thought I was going to die and spent over a year in therapy.

In Other Words:

I have familiarity with racial hatred. 

Including my beating by a man half-my-age on a MUNI bus which occurred the year after The Summer of Hate & Black Live Matters Riots of 2020 on Juneteenth, a year-or-two later. I was sitting down in the Senior/Disabled section when punched five times in the head after the operator told the man to stop harassing me.

Enough About Me and the Constant Having to Look Over One's Shoulder in SF

". . .Crime, Crime, Everywhere a Crime"

Last night, the murder of a family of four occurred in the island community of Alameda, many of you have seen the viral video of 60-70 people swarming a 76 gas stations minimart resulting in $50,000 loss, and the continued terror being inflicted on the Hagenberger Corridor. The area in proximity to OAK International has had many businesses shuttered due to the crime.

KRON 4: Newsom Increasing CHP Deployment to Oakland

The number of arrest are staggering, and I would like to discuss a disturbing trend with these local repeaters and TV news outlets; increasingly, they do not show the suspects booking photo, what happens regarding prosecution, trial, or final outcome, and no one ever seems to follow-up on how all these fires are being started.

Much as the attacks on poultry farms and food processing plants--I and many others--speculate it is the steady stream of military-aged men pouring into the country who are starting the wildfires.

Apparently, the MSM are increasingly overwhelmed by the pace of the violence, pop-up sideshows, and all of the corruption in Alameda County--specifically--with the Mayor's house searched by the FBI and DA Price under recall.

If you read the numbers of arrests by the CHP described in the article, the question becomes if Price is just turning them loose with low or no bail.

It is Time to Realize We Are in A Form of Civil War

Unfortunately, there continues to be tons of coverage on President Biden's every move, and I will not belabor this issue; however, I plan to be critiquing this afternoon's press conference.

That said, many pundits are speculating this "Big Boy" reference is being repeatedly uttered by his staff as a reference to potty training and Biden's rumored incontinence.

. . .meanwhile,

NATO Determined to Push Russia into a Nuclear War

At this hour, Redacted News had this take on it.

Be back later,


(20:15 PDT)

Well, it did not go well, yet avoided being a complete disaster; obviously, reading off a list of pre-picked media and an absence of taking any questions at the end; finally, some reporter shouted, "You confused Vice President Harris & called Trump Vice President," continuing the question saying, that Trump was already mocking him for the gaffe.

At which point, the president gave a huge grin and said, "Listen to him" exiting stage left; also, he did the creepy lean-in whisper several times just as he would or has done with the televised hair sniffing episodes of underaged girls.

I Would Give Him a 'C or 'C-minus

I do not want to be too much of a Karen on this, yet the slow rate-of-delivery, the searching for words, and jumbled sentences should point to continued--and accelerating--calls for him to not become the nominee.

Another Bad Day

Again, this is not a partisan site, but I am quite concerned about our adversaries sensing weakness; moreover, if he is left in place, we are going to regret it, in my opinion.


[July, 13, 2024 (9:00 AM PDT)]

Just a compliment to the Oakland crime item, critical thinkers,

I just ran across a story by Leighton Woodhouse who is a journalist and documentary filmmaker from Oakland. The piece chronicles many of the stories we have reported on over the last few years--putting them all in one place demonstrates the totality of the problem in a deep dive.

The Free Press: 

The Fall of Oakland: Mob Lootings Random Shootings Elderly People Beaten in the Street

Very sad,



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