Pissed: Tired of Country Being Invaded by Largely Criminal Terror Cells Sen Minority Leader Mitch the Bitch & Alleged ChiCom Wife Headed for the Bunker
[February 29, 2024 (18:40 PST)
Happy leap-year critical thinkers,
Once again, no one proposed to me,
Arguably, as a lonely San Francisco writer just trying to dodge racially motivated physical attacks on public transit and in stores which our do-nothing DA will not pursue [despite a 20X violated restraining order issued by CA Superior Court's, Judge Sandoval, applied to someone who chased me down the hallways with knives in my last building threatening to kill me hurling racial and homophobic slurs] a buttload of poop every block, and FentiBenties overturning the public trash cans to organize what is all they have--they're trash, this city and the greater Bay Area continues to descend into chaos.
People Ask: Why Do You Stay Here
I stay here because it is the 5th largest TV market & 6th in Radio despite those industries rapid decline and the phony reporters which are largely propagandists unable to investigate news stories on their own or apply critical thinking and reasoning.
Perhaps, I will take their place after the collapse as a rebuilding of public trust & media come to fortition.
I stay here because the rest of the country knows Silicon Valley--some 45 miles south of here is the high-tech electronic frontier--yet most of the largest tech [electronic media] corporations are headquartered in SF for reasons of big banking, finance, and SF's institutions--still dominance of what used to be the pacific stock exchange, venture capital, and global media significance.
Want to be a writer?
Examples of SF's dominance and the Bay Area--think of Oakland's Jack London, Steinbeck, City Light's Bookstore or Howl, Burroughs, and the beatnik--morphing into The Summer of Love having had evolved here, my birthplace, San Francisco.
I Will Fight for California
My Chillian 6th Gen Paternal Great-Great Grandmother Created a Beachhead in 1851 Gold Rush SF CA
My Maternal 5th Generation GG Mother 1873 Trinity County Central Valley
Alright, we are being invaded and I will--hopefully--be back with, more on the collapse of San Francisco as corporations and their chief executives head to their bunkers in anticipation of a military takeover of the United States.
The Communist Chinese Troops will be Coming: Our Leaders Have Sold Us Out
Not looking good from here with a very weak-minded and mostly unarmed SF Bay Area--this--and the deliberately globalist designed or sovereign ChiCom section of Port of Long Beach will become the spearhead of the coming invasion.
What a nightmare the ensuing bloodbath, rape, and pillage of our own doing the world will witness.
. . . thank you, Henry Kissinger, GBig Brezinsky, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and your globalist--eugenicist--depopulation minions,
Drakie from San Francissy
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