Dem Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. Turns Table on Attempts to Mischaracterize & Censor in House Hearing
[July 21, 2023 (21:30 PDT)]
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Testifies Before US House Committee on Censorship |
Pretty crazy news week critical thinkers,
As a result, I have been thinking about this post the last few days; censorship--specifically--big tech censorship has become front-and-center and everywhere we look, Liberty, resistance to tyranny, and an organized opposition to the new world order has begun to solidify.
Case in point, RFK Jr's testimony before a US House hearing about censorship in which he was a constant target of several elected officials attempting to ban Kennedy from going on the record or speak at all!
Kennedy Abandons Prepared Notes Embarrassing Congressional Detractors
At one point, Kennedy pivoted referencing being ". . .in the room" when his Uncle, JFK 35th President--found-out about the US government's involvement in the Tuskegee Experiment in which unknowing black men were infected with Syphilis (1932-70's) at the hands of the CDC.
This, in response to allegations from several Democratic House Representatives accusing RFK Jr. of being a racist regarding his citing studies about Covid, specifically--NOT--impacting Asians and Jewish bloodlines as harshly as the population as a whole.
. . .during the hearings, a US House Rep reputed these accusations against Kennedy, citing and reading into the congressional record two peer-reviewed studies confirming the racial/ethnic disparity much as the 14 US funded biolabs in Ukraine were targeting ethnic Russians since 2014.
Obviously, this is a tricky subject to address.
However, a 1998 apology regarding Tuskegee from President Bill Clinton was official and helped establish continued grounding & backing that our out-of-control deep state works tirelessly to destroy our country and bring about the demise ordinary citizens & patriots who love our Republic of the United States.
The last bulwark against Tyranny--the third branch of government as Jefferson exclaimed--hangs in the balance offering some protection thus far.
Anyway, here is what I have got. The Free Speech Scare
I will be back soon as 3rd Indictment Watch is immediate--apparently--and I want to address this mysterious fire at Senator Rand Paul's Kentucky office just hours after proposing a last-ditch effort to add an amendment to the 2024 Defense Authorization Act proposing the US Constitution [the congress' authority to declare war] supersedes Title 5 of the NATO Charter*
In other words, we continue [mission creep] expanding our role in the European conflict with only 16 Republican US Senators supporting Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) amendment with all Dems against.
I do not like the Left-Right paradigm to make-up much of the blog, yet this seems concerning as we continue to slide towards WW III.
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