CT& Reasoning Suspends Infowars Future Content Following Interview of Kanye West & Nick Fuentes


[December 1, 2022 (13:35 PST)]

Hello again critical thinkers,

I was doing some busy work around the newsroom in a bedroom while taking in some local TV news, streaming a podcast, and not paying much attention to 560 KSFO's syndicated Dan Bongino Show on the downlow when I heard this:

(Approx. 10:45 AM Paraphrasing)

". . . is this confirmed? . . . We are getting word that Alex Jones platform, infowars.com, has an ongoing interview with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes--at this hour--and Ye is spouting-off all kinds of antisemitic rants."

Having a background in both music and news radio, I do not have to tell you how unprecedented it is for--arguably--the second or third most syndicated host on broadcast radio to comment on something like this--a show running against Bongino's own content in real time!

The Hill: Masked Ye Goes on Antisemitic Tirade on Infowars "I Like Hitler" 

It gets worse---hard to believe--I immediately logged-on to the site and was floored by what Bongino asserted was ". . .a stunt to generate 'clicks.'"

This Media Analyst is Baffled

I am not sure what this was, but I just finished watching a replay of the entire interview and this whack job, Ye, was in an executioner-style black hood over his head, committed probable slanderous remarks against numerous public figures, and while only chiming-in a couple times, Fuentes' statements were equally repugnant and bazaar.

I Wanted to Get in Front of this: I condemn What has Happened in the Strongest Terms

My readers are familiar with CT&Reasoning sourcing news outlets and websites spanning the spectrum from ZeroHedge, CNN, Washington Post, Politico, NBC, Fox, and a real robust posting of what I would characterize as Libertarian-leaning--or better yet--alternative digital media, such as Washinton Free Beacon or The Washington Examiner.


Infowars content appears among this mix; that said, while frequently having been linking to banned.video for excellent reports from Greg Resse and others, I am strongly condemning what took place this morning.

I will keep an open mind on Resse Reports. Due to the fact that while he is a former employee of Infowars--his role on the site is now largely of a content contributor; accordingly, I would not be surprised if he breaks-away over all of this.  

Lastly, Resse dropped a video this morning saying he does not support Ye and must have known what was coming, expecting what can only be described as a disaster for Jones, his platform, employees, and his network of others who come on as guests who are also censored by big tech--the pillow guy or Dr. Malone--for example.

Oddly, towards the end of the segment, former FL Congressional Candidate, Laura Loomer (R), phoned-into this freak show!

Anyhow, stay tuned as there will be further fallout, including this being plastered all over network newscasts, various platforms, talk radio, etc., and analyzed by other media pundits. 


Drake McDonald Davis

This just in (14:24 EST) 

[December 4, 2022 (14:10 PST)]

According to Jones & others, this was a stunt for bringing new people--he says millions more than usual had gone to the site after the media amplified what had taken place.

Oddly, we have this hypothesis that both Jones and Musk are in some kind of collusion on all of this with Jones and likeminded folks echoing that we are funding a real Nazi outfit [. . .cue video of the Azov Battalion, right?] 

 Aljazeera: Who are Ukraine's Azov Regiment?

According to Aljazeera, the regiment was formed or reformed in in 2014. . . hummm, the same year the US is alleged to have set up to 13 or 14 Level 4 biolabs in Ukraine targeting Russian citizens genetically!

Yeah, I Just Said That

Scroll-back and find my post on this and links to reliable news outlets from just before or after the initiation of the invasion by Russia.

There are also statements by Putin alleging this, lots of speculation that there may be nuclear weapons at that disputed nuclear power plant--the logic being that the nuclear signature emanating from such a weapon cannot be discerned from that of the plant itself. 

The Infowars Suspension Still Stands

Okay, it seems there may very well be some kind of 4D chess going on with Senator Rand Paul (R KY) saying Fauci is ". . .not going to get away with this," scientists and a growing number of doctors standing-up to what has taken place, and the usually docile US public connecting-the-dots on a lot of what we blog about here--especially the rising awareness of Claus Schwab's World Economic Forum and their role in this pandemic.

And, of course we all know about Operation Paperclip in which thousands of Nazi engineers, scientist, and--more importantly--aerospace experts were brought to the US at the end of WW II. 

That is it for now & time for play this Sunday,



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