It is Almost Over: Dems Take Control of Senate with Nevada Win House Still a Toss-up at 216 (D) 219 (R) AP: AZ Gov Race Over: Hobbs Defeats Lake
NBC: Decision 2022: Real Time Results by Hovering Cursor on Particular States
I don't have much to add, except, the last thing the globalists said about election month is for Gubernatorial Candidate, Kari Lake (R) AZ, to win and make good on campaign pledge to put Arizona National Guard on the boarder to stop what has become a 2 million per year invasion and child trafficking operation.
Funny Thing
As you read the above linked NBC Story, they are quick to point-out many of the of the seats lost in both chambers were backed by Trump; subsequently, an additional loss in the expected Herschel Walker (R) v Incumbent Raphael Warnock (D) runoff in Georgia's US Senate race, will give Dems a much more solid lock on the senate so moderate holdouts like pesky Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia are of zero consequence:
A Warnock victory would make it 51-49, giving Democrats one extra vote in a chamber where they have often been stymied by internal dissent from members like Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia.
See how this works?
The Least Amount of Fraud to Make it Appear Legit
A precision execution manipulating machine counts, missing ballot drops, and other techniques
No Hearings on Fauci Lockdowns Hunter's Laptop or China Owning DC Lawmakers
Then again, to be fair, the GOP may capture a razor-thin house majority: NBC Nov 13 (Noon Eastern)
. . .Hold on for the upcoming collapse; hence, they kept the economy afloat to get through the midterms, and while I am not sure what will happen or when. or how, but rest-assured, The Globalist, are poised to begin to go-for-the-jugular and try to finish us off--sooner rather than later!
Meet the Old Boss Same as the New Boss
Not that I had much of any hope in the republicans--most are also a solely compromised subsidiary of the ChiComs--but Critical Thinking and Reasoning can now return to the pressing concerns we have focused-in on the last year, mainly:
The Four 'Fs: Food Fuel Fertilizer & Famine
One more chime-in when it becomes clear who will control the house and the outcome of the Georgia senate race, but I prefer to--try as best I can as we all have somewhat of a media bias---stick to covering the takedown of the nation state with the US the last pin to drop.
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