New Week with More Questions than Answers on Mar-A-Largo Raid This Just In: Trump's Passports Seized in Raid Closing Thoughts on Two-Tiered Justice System 99-Year-old Top Globalist Kissinger says at Edge of War with China & Russia

 Greetings CT&Reasoning Consumers,

We all have been wondering about what happened at the former president's residence.

One thing I have found interesting--little is known other than some leaks asserting something to do with nuclear secrets and the espionage act--is the emerging speculation that Jared Kushner was the person who tipped-off the feds.

Sputnik News: Trump Neice Suspects Jared Could be Mole who Tipped-off

Not in the prediction business yet I have a gut-feeling and am going to float a speculation for my readers.

It has been unearthed within media circles that this judge who issued the warrant had been an Obama donor which does not amount to much of anything; however, it is more than curious that in private practice prior to appointment by President Obama, the magistrate was said to have represented defendants charged in the Jeffery Epstein Pedo-island saga.

Moreover, this should have gone before not only a federal district court judge in Florida. Somehow, the DC magistrate whose social media is reported to have been very critical of Trump and who had recused himself just last month in another case brought before him involving Trump!

Speculation: Could Trump have been in Possession of a Copy of Madame Ghislaine Maxwell's Little Black Book?

It has been long speculated that Kushner--pretty well established according to some circles--is an Israeli Mossad intelligence asset.

We know Maxwell's father was high-up in the organization and Maxwell is said to have had ties to the spy organization as well.

I am having trouble tracking-down much on this angle but do know we have a real credibility issue with all of the FBI involvement in the Russia Russia Russiagate, and the long sordid history of FBI corruption.

See my last post or better yet, here is a brief overview of FBI & DOJ Criminal Behavior Regarding Trump in Recent Years.

Matt Vespa Writes in Townhall: Politicization of Federal Law Enforcement Escalating 

I try not to be patrician and more of a geopolitical, news media, military matters, or current events analyst, yet all of the people who were never held accountable with the wrongly obtained FISA warrants, differing conclusions on the Hillary server destruction of classified material and tens-of-thousands of emails?

Then There is Hunter and the Evidence that The Big Guy is Compromised

Wrapping up, I think most who pay any attention at all--less than half the population who are the rigidly divided yet, can fortunately, still process stuff--are aware of the double standard bandied-about by the Tucker Carlson and the Mark Levins of the world; undoubtedly, many on both sides of the spectrum cannot miss the blaring examples of a two-tiered justice system.

It is everywhere one looks.

Especially, regarding the president's son and all of the video evidence regarding Biden's statements about not knowing about Hunter's business dealings.


There are pictures with then VP Biden & Hunter amongst energy and governmental leaders on the ground in Kirghizstan, Ukraine and Red China! 

Dude. . .You are soooo Blow'in It 

Cig hanging out a mouth all Bogart or Yuan Wayne--hookers and crack use--IN ALL PLACES COMMUNIST CHINA.

This President is compromised and his puppeteers in that nation which we are hurling head-long into a hot wart should be the bigger issue.

AND. . . The Continued Cognitive Decline of Biden's Mental Health 

'til we hear more and get some further clarification,


[8 15, 2022 (23:08 PDT)]

Just thought this news item fit with what we have been talking about:

MarketWatch: Still Alive Kissy-butt (99 ) whom I have despised since the Paris Peace Accords (1973) & resulting culmination of The Fall of Saigon (1975) weighs in on collapsing world order he helped create.

Late Baby,



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