CDC: PCR Test That Diagnosed Most of All Covid Cases is Inaccurate and Under Recall Organ Harvesting Update Push for Digital Health Certificates
Hello Again Critical Thinkers,
Let me get straight; quietly, the CDC which issued a statement about two-months ago that the chance of getting Covid-19 off of a hard surface is 10,000:1, is now declaring the PCR test is not to be used to diagnose Covid infection.
Not once in this document does it use the term "PCR Test" in order to try to save-face, but just as the term "Rare" always precedes any main-stream media [MSM] account of blood clots leading to stroke-type events, people contracting neurological disorders, or dropping dead within days or weeks of receiving the second Moderna or Pfizer toxic injections.
I urge CT&Reasoning readers to run the audio from that last link where a panel of MDs [4:38m] discuss "Medically Induced Injury" from these Covid Vaccines; currently, I have plans today and will not link back to previous posts about this--too numerous to list--PCR test being dialed-up to produce up to nine-out-of-ten false positives.
The inventor of the test died--mysteriously--within two months of declaring the test useless for diagnosing viruses just as the outbreak began!
All of this ties back to these Level IV Virology labs being used to gene splice these viruses to be used as a bioweapon, experimentation and uses of aborted fetuses, and even babies born alive who then have their organs harvested. Now, evidence emerging of Nazi Industrialists being behind the granting of the UK's digital passport grant:
Washington Beacon: Government Funded Research Sought Aborted Minorities for Research
Reese Reports: Digital Passport Company Run by Nazis
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